Love this Place: Catherine Barclay & Missy

Catherine and I went for a walk in at Fish Creek Park. She’s been living in the area for a long time, and I was able to catch up on all the years of change I missed by not being here. Her dog, Missy, she’s had for over a decade. It’s the two of them and they have a beautiful, relationship and a yellow car.  

Photo-booth at Ascending Koi

My friends at Ascending Koi tattoo and apparel are the nicest group of people I know in calgary [period]. They have fundraisers almost weekly and usually in the form of a friendly block party anyone can attend. 
These are photos of the guests at one such party.

We had originally planned to have a standard grey background, but it was windy and I was like "I'm setting this up to create the most visually stunning photos I can with the given space". They had a shrub, I used it. A shrub, A Canon 60D, 24-70mm f2.8 Lens, wireless flash triggers and Alienbee 1600 light with beauty dish
Check out their Website. Facebook.  Twitter. YouTube

Truly Passionate.

This video of Jay Maisel struck a chord for me. I have noticed photography is shifting a lot more towards the art of manipulation, and away from the art of seeing. A tragedy. But Jay is the epitome of what I aspire to, I am never out of my home without a camera. I enjoy shooting photos too much to not have a camera on me all the time. I love seeing.

I am enthralled to view a portfolio such as his. He doesn't have a subject, style, or look that he defaults to like so many photographers. He shoots everything. A style that is consistent with what people see every day. When I go outside my apartment, I don't see only well lit models in skimpy underwear. I see an overweight lady, a dusty construction worker, dirt on the street, a homeless person, a reflection in the window. And I love seeing these things. It gives me joy to see the diversity in a city the size of calgary. Yes one might see a lot of [+15 walking] oil and gas employees, but there are just as many people one floor below that cant afford a suit and that expensive car.  

With that said, enjoy this video.  



Color me Rad is a 5k run for a local charity. Not timed, just colour. And the best FAQ I've ever read. Period. 
Click photos view larger gallery. 

Get over yourself. You are not "original"

It saddens me to tell you, you are not original. Your ideas didn't come from thin air, you are merely remixing ideas you have been exposed to.  I know I was saddened by that fact, I want so badly to believe that some of what I do is truly original. But alas, it's not.

Are you following me.....I thought not. Let me show you with something I copied from the internet. Everything is a remix [vimeo w=1000&h=700]

Everything is a Remix Part 1 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo. [vimeo w=1000&h=700]

Everything is a Remix Part 2 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo. [vimeo w=1000&h=700]

Everything is a Remix Part 3 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo. [vimeo w=1000&h=700]

Everything is a Remix Part 4 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

These videos are, to say the least, enlightening. I'll take for example, one of my most viewed photos on flickr.

The whole family.

This is not original in the least. I took the idea from a similar photo and extrapolated it to my family. In fact, I even collected all the similar examples in a flickr gallery to show you.

The same goes for a seemingly unique person. They are not unique in the pure sense, they are just a collection of characteristics that different people have.

After watching the above videos I felt relieved that all the stealing ideas I had done in the past was not unusual. It was the most common thing done by humans. We steal each other's ideas and improve upon them to further civilization. That's how we progress as humans, by copying and remixing.

So steal away, blatantly copy an idea. Call it your own. But it will never be. Because you are just remixing someone else's idea.

To be creative is to know which ideas to steal and transform.

Have a good day!